From Kevin Patterson: The politicians and Daly City are at it again. This time with banning gun shows as the cover. Make no mistake, all they really want is increased tax revenues. SO… we need to defeat another attack on the future of our important venue. At least the Cow Palace is now financially self supporting. We will be posting with clear information you can use to write letters and make calls.
We have to separate the gun show issue from the future of the CP issue.
We have to separate the gun show issue from the future of the CP issue. We support safe and sane gun controls, but we do not support another land grab by Daly City. The Cow Palace is an important cultural venue for a densely populated part of the Bay Area. It also provides critical space for FEMA and local first responders in the event of natural disasters. SB281 is not good gun legislation, its a red herring for developers and disgruntled Daily City.