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Sample Letter 3 - Disaster Logistics Support

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The Honorable, (name)

(today’s date)

Re: Cow Palace SB-281

Dear (Senator or Assemblymember),


The Cow Palace serves as a crucial training and staging area for first responders and disaster relief. If there were a disaster today, the Cow Palace could fill with hundreds of emergency vehicles and provide helicopter landing zones, livestock refuge, and evacuation support and logistics of all kinds. NO other location in this densely populated urban area has this capability!


The Cow Palace is an important and beloved bay area venue used by hundreds of thousands of visitors annually. It is a locally managed California State fairground and is financially self-sustaining. In addition to its fabulous history, the Cow Palace continues to play a vital role in the bay area as home to unique events, concerts, and celebrations.


Senate Bill 281 (Wiener) as currently written would ban gun shows AND the public.


We request that you amend this bill to remove the development language (which would create a new governing "Authority") from the SB 281 legislation and preserve the Cow Palace as a locally managed, State-owed fairground... OUR public event center.


Healthy communities need affordable space for recreation and community gatherings! Please protect our Cow Palace, ...the People's Palace!


With respect,

(your name and city)

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